Work Plan
1. extend AWDANet and form EMMA network from MM100 and SEGMA networks to achieve enhanced latitudinal and MLT coverage of density observations, 2. develop and implement automatic algorithm for whistler method (AWA), 3. develop and implement automatic algorithm for FLR method (FLRID and FLRINV), 4. enhance both networks to reach the quasi-real-time mode of operation, the mode required for a data service in operational space weather applications. 5. cross-calibrate whistler and FLR methods to achieve flawless integration into plasmasphere model. The second layer, the data-assimilative model of the Earth's plasmasphere plays a central role in the work plan. We will 1. develop methods for the integration of data sources from WP1 and WP2 into a physics based model of the plasmasphere to enhance its temporal and spatial evolution scheme, 2. apply a feedback loop to adjust model parameter making data sources and model consistent, 3. use a sophisticated electric field model, also derived through a data assimilation approach. The plasmasphere model developed in this layer can be used directly in various space weather applications from radiation belt models to the estimation of spacecraft surface charges. However we will immediately utilize the model capability to identify and map specific wave-driven losses in the radiation belts in the third (application) layer. The third layer (WP4) is based on the model developed in WP3 (second layer) and on a third global network (AARDDVARK). In this layer we will 1. extend AARDVARK to achieve better latitudinal and MLT coverage of REP events, 2. identify and model REP events, 3. combine AARDDVARK data based map of REPs with plasma-sphere model developed in the second layer to identify the region of loss mechanisms near the plasmasphere boundary layer. The final goal of the project is to achieve a pre-operational state in all the three layers that can be converted to a complex operational space weather predicting and forecasting service in a next step. The results achieved in the core development layers (WP1-4) are distributed by a dissemination and exploitation work package (WP5), where all the achieved scientific results will be communicated to the public at various levels: from scientific forums (journals, workshops) through integration of the results to university courses to popular papers and talks. The project coordination and management will be done in a separate work package (WP6). ![]() |